During the Annual Meeting two prices are awarded; one for the best oral presentation and one for the best poster presentation.
The winners are listed below.
- best presentation: Sara Marchisio (LUMC) – Evaluation of CD39, CD73, and CD38 as potential biomarkers for monitoring Mogamulizumab response in Sézary Syndrome
- best poster: Margot Starrenburg (ErasmusMC) – Dupilumab treatment decreases MBC2s, correlating with reduced Ige levels in pediatric atopic dermatitis

- best presentation: Anne-Lise Strandmoe (UMCG) – Analysis of the circulating immune profile in pemphigus vulgaris reveals distinct patterns related to disease state
- best poster: Emma Holtappels (AmsterdamUMC) – The expression and function of JAK3 and TEC family kinases in the pathogenesis of vitiligo

- best presentation: Shidi Wu (LUMC) – Distinct roles of human papillary and reticular fibroblasts on tumor cell invasion and the underlying therapeutic values in tumor microenvironment-targeting therapy
- best poster: Rindert Venema (UMCG) – Delivery of therapeutic antisense oligonucleotides for exon skipping in epidermolysis bullosa

- best presentation: Luca Meesters (Radboudumc) – Untangling the complex cytokine milieu in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis through in vitro epidermal models
- best poster: Britt van der Leeden (AmsterdamUMC) – METs and NETs are present in burn wound tissue and coincide with a procoagulant phenotype

- best presentation: Finola Bruins (Radboudumc) – Time from psoriasis onset until discontinuation of topical therapy and switch to systemic treatment – results from the child-CAPTURE registry
- best poster: Marieke van Winden (Radboudumc) – Treatment burden in older adults with high-risk basal cell carcinoma

- best presentation: Daniela Andrei (UMCG) – A novel desmosomal protein involved in woolly hair, palmoplantar keratoderma, mild skin fragility, and potentially cardiomyopathy
- best poster: Aniek Lamberts (UMCG) – Nonbullous pemphigoid: insights in clinical and diagnostic findings treatment responses and prognosis

- presentation: Frank van Leersum (MUMC) – Improving diagnostic yield for filaggrin; hidden mutations in the Dutch population
- poster: Finola Bruins (Radboudumc) – Nail involvement as a predictor for disease severity in pediatric psoriasis: follow-up data from the Dutch ChildCAPTURE registry
- presentation: Tiago Matos (AMC) – Identifying the T cell receptor sequences of pathogenic T cells of origin in psoriasis
- poster: Richard Helder (LACDR, LUMC) – Mimicking the stratun corneum lipids more closely by targeting the liver X receptor in human skin equivalents
- presentation: Henrike Broekman (UMC Utrecht) – Allergenicity assessment strategy for novel proteins.
- poster: Annelies Lommerts (AMC) – Vitiligo Extent Score (VES) – reliability of a new measurement tool in vitiligo
- presentation: Kim Nguyen (Radboudumc) – Reflectance confocal microscopy: in vivo distinction between actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma
- poster: Iana Turcan (UMCG) – Novel homozygous mutation in the dystonin-e isoform causes autosomal recessive basal epidermolysis bullosa simplex in a Dutch patient
- presentation: Hanna Niehues (Radboudumc) – Impact of Late Cornified Envelope (LCE) 3B and 3C deletion – more than just a loss of two proteins
- poster: Carolien Wind (AMC/STI) – Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) diagnostics combined with delayed Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultivation of NAAT positive samples using the ESwab™ system – the solution for future gonococcal antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance?
- presentation: Malou Peppelman (Radboudumc) – In vivo diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma subtype by reflectance confocal microscopy.
- poster: Ena Sokol (UMCG) – Dynamics of desmosomal proteins in pemphigus.
- presentation: Ellen van den Bogaard (Radboudumc) – Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 prolongs the life span of adult human keratinocytes, enhances skin equivalent development and facilitates lentiviral gene delivery.
- poster: Wing Yan Yuen (UMCG) – Long-term follow-up of patients with Herlitz type junctional epidermolysis bullosa.
- presentation: Ilse Haisma (LUMC) – Ontwikkeling van een methicilline resistente staphylococcus aureus infectie huidmodel voor een betere behandeling van brandwond patiënten
- poster: Armanda Onderdijk (ErasmusMC) – Nerve growth factor regulatie door het Th17/IL-23 systeem
- presentation: Heleen de Koning (Radboudumc) – Expressie van pattern recognition receptors in gezonde humane epidermis, psoriasis en atopisch eczeem
- poster: L.J. van den Broek (VUMC) – CCL27 stimuleert de secretie van cytokinen betrokken in granulatieweefsel formatie
- presentation: Marieke C. Bolling (UMCG) – Nieuwe founder mutatie in linker domein van keratine 1 in twee Nederlandse families
- poster: K.L. Kroeze (VUMC) – Applicatie van autoloog huidsubstituut op excisiewonden resulteert in hypergranulatie-rol voor TNF-alpha
- P.C. van den Akker (UMCG) – Een nieuw laat-mutilerend subtype van recessieve dystrofische epidermolyse bullosa
- presentatie: V.L.R.M. Verstraeten (MUMC) – Compound heterozygotie voor LMNA mutaties veroorzaakt een progeria-syndroom zonder prelamine A-accumulatie
- poster: P. Jansen (Radboudumc) – Het gebruik van lentivirale vectoren voor transgenese en gen knockdown in in vitro gereconstrueerde huid
- presentatie: A.M.G. van der Aar (AMC) – Differentiële expressie van Toll-like receptoren op epidermale en dermale dendritische cellen leidt tot specifieke pathogeenherkenning
- poster: N.J. Senff (LUMC) – Prognostische betekenis van Bcl-2 en Mum-1 expressie in primair cutaan grootcellige B-cel lymfomen
- D.J. Hijnen (UMCU) – Differentiële genexpressie gerelateerd aan migratie naar de huid, proliferatie en apoptosis in CD4+ T-cellen van patiënten met constitutioneel eczeem
- H.J.C. de Vries (AMC) – Identificatie van een nieuwe Chlamydia trachomatis LGV-stam onder HIV-positieve mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM) in Amsterdam
- R. van Doorn (LUMC) – Aberrante promotormethylatie in cutane T cel lymfomen
- M.C. Zweers (Radboudumc) – Haplo-insufficiëntie voor tenascine-X is geassocieerd met hypermobiliteits type Ehlers-Danlos-syndroom
- P. Zeeuwen (Radboudumc) – Een inactiverende mutatie in het cystatine M/E-gen is de oorzaak van verstoorde verhoorning in Ichq-muizen
- R.M. Vodegel (AZG) – Fysiologische zoutoplossing is een geschikt transportmedium voor huidbiopten bij immuunfluorescentie microscopie
- A. El Ghalbzouri (LUMC / AZG) – Communicatie tussen keratinocyten en fibroblasten bepaalt de expressie van basale membraaneiwitten
- R. van Doorn (VUMC / LUMC) – Fasmutaties in cutane T cel lymfomen
- Rebel (UMCU / RIVM) – Clusters van mutant-p53-positive epidermale cellen, als maat voor risico van UVB geïnduceerde huidkanker
- van der Velden (LUMC) – Identificatie van methylatie-gevoelige metastasemarkers met micro-arrays