- Dr. Raymond Staals (WUR): CRISPR-Cas, from a bacterial defense system to a powerful genetic tool in humans
- Dr. Marieke Bolling (UMCG): Opportunities and challenges in the past and future in the field of genodermatoses (Marcel Jonkman lecture)
- Prof. dr. Barbara Horvath (UMCG): Autoimmune blistering diseases; Bridging basic research and clinical outcomes
- Dr. Ibrahim Korkmaz (AmsterdamUMC): Current clinical challenges and preclinical research on burn wound healing (Marcel Jonkman lecture)
- Prof. dr. Klara Mosterd (MUMC+): Oncodermatology 2.0: non-invasive skin cancer care
- Prof. dr. Marjolein De Bruin-Weller (UMCU): New perspectives in Atopic Dermatitis
- Prof. dr. Ellen van den Bogaard (RadboudUMC): Pirates of the Experimental Dermatology; say AhRRR
- Prof. dr. Marcel Bekkenk (AmsterdamUMC): Standing on the shoulders of giants
- Dr. Joost Meijer (UMCG); Marcel Jonkman lecture
- Dr. Frank de Gruijl (LUMC)
- Dr. Hendri Pas (UMCG)
- Cancelled (due to corona pandemic)
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Kayser (Erasmus MC Rotterdam): CSI Rotterdam: facts no fiction
- Prof. Dr. Andre Knulst (UMC Utrecht): New developments in diagnostics and therapy of food allergy
- Prof. dr. Mihae Netea (RadboudUMC): Variation and adaptation in the human immune system
- Prof. dr. Joost Schalkwijk (RadboudUMC): Terminal Differentiation 😊
- Prof. dr. Carien Niessen (CECAD, Cologne): Adhesion and signaling information, maintenance and breaking of the barrier
- Prof. dr. Elke de Jong (RadboudUMC): The circle around psoriasis.
- Prof. dr. Rosalie Luiten (AMC): Vitiligo and melanoma: yin yang in pigment cell research
- Prof. dr. Sarah Brown (Dundee): The Molecular and Genetic mechanisms in Dermatology with a focus on new insights
- Prof. dr. Thomas Rustemeyer (VUMC): Translational Contact Dermatitis: From bench to the Clinic
- Prof. dr. Menno de Rie (AMC): Lost in translation
- Prof. dr. Hywell Williams, Nottingham
- Prof. dr. Phyllis Spuls
- Prof. dr. Suzanne Pasmans
- Dr. Anna Simon, Radboud (RadboudUMC):Â Autoinflammation: too much of a good thing
- Prof. dr. Maarten H Vermeer (LUMC): Clinical and biological aspects of cutaneous lymphoma
- Prof dr Michiel Kleerebezem, Wageningen-UR. Title: Host-Microbiota interactions, from microbial composition to function, and its impacts on host physiology
- Prof. dr. Sue Gibbs, AMC/VUmc, Amsterdam. Title: A scientific roller coaster towards scar free healing
- Prof. dr. Tamar Nijsten, Erasmus-MC. Title: Intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for keratinocytic cancer
- Prof. dr. Wim Declercq, Ghent, Belgium. Title: The role of caspase-14 in epidermal cornification: an overview.
- Prof. dr. Maurice A.M. van Steensel, Maastricht. Title: Everything is interesting.
- Prof. dr. Hans Clevers, Utrecht: Title: Manipulating Lgr5 stem cells in the intestinal tract and the skin.
- Prof dr. Henry J.C. de Vries, AMC, Amsterdam. Title: Genetic fingerprinting in infectious diseases epidemiology. Thriller stories to keep you up after lunch.
- Prof. dr. Peter H.A. Friedl, Nijmegen. Title: Imaging cancer invasion and resistance.
- Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank, Universiteit Twente, Enschede. Title: Nanotechnologie in de gezondheidszorg.
- Prof. dr. Stefan Martin, Freiburg Duitsland. Title: Innate immune responses in allergic contact dermatitis – it looks like an infection.
- Prof. dr. Christine Mummery, LUMC, Leiden. Title: Cardiovascular derivatives of human pluripotent stem cells in development and disease.
- Prof. dr. Jonathan Barker, Kings College, London. Title: Translating psoriasis genetics into clinical practice.
- Prof. dr. Manfred Kayser, Erasmus MC Rotterdam. Title: Evolutionary genetics of human skin pigmentation.
- Prof. dr. David Pritchard, Nottingham, UK
- Prof. dr. P. van der Spek, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
- Prof. dr. Irwin W.H. McLean, Dundee, UK
- Prof. dr. Daniel S. Peeper, NKI, Amsterdam
- Prof. dr. Thomas Bieber, Bonn, Germany
- Prof. dr. Errol P. Prens, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
- Prof. dr. Jean Marie Naeyaert, Ghent University, Belgium
- Prof. dr. Joost Schalkwijk, UMCN, Nijmegen
- Dr. Maja Ponec, LUMC, Leiden
- Prof. dr. Gosse J. Adema, UMCN, Nijmegen
- Prof. dr. Richard Camp, Leicester
- Dr. Frank A. Redegeld, Utrecht
- Prof. dr. Thomas Schwarz, Kiel, Germany
- Dr. Arnoud Sonnenberg, NKI, Amsterdam
- Rik Scheper
- Y Barrandon
- Mathieu Noteborn (LUMC)
- Hans Tanke (LUMC).